Stunned Sol stance.
Unconscious[1] (気絶, Kizetsu?, lit. Faint), also colloquially called "stun" or "dizzy", is a recurring state in the Guilty Gear series in which a character is left temporarily defenseless if attacked repeatedly.
Characters become Unconscious and are left temporarily defenseless (i.e. unable to perform any actions such as attacking, guarding, or even recovering) if attacked repeatedly over a short amount of time, get excessively countered or are tagged by certain moves. It is indicated by angels circling around the dizzied fighter's head; these angels act as a timer and when they are all gone, the player regains control of their character. A character's portrait will usually flash red when close to a stun.
In Guilty Gear XX, pressing the and
directional buttons repeatedly helps speed up recovery from an unconscious state.[1] In the Guilty Gear Xrd games, juggling the joystick and rapidly pressing buttons helps shake the state off.
Levels of damage that can cause the unconscious condition differ for each character,[1] which are called their "stun rates". For the most part, once a character has been stunned in a battle, the modifiers then are set to a random value once they recover in order to prevent them from being stunned just as quickly a second time.