Guilty Gear Wiki

The following is a list of I-No's commands throughout the series.

Guilty Gear XX[]

The following is I-No's move list in Guilty Gear XX, ♯Reload, Slash, Λ Core, Λ Core Plus and Λ Core Plus R. Changes between releases include: ...

Note: GG and GGX I-No have no Force Breaks; GG I-No adds Charge (Heavy Slash + Dust), and Last Will and Testament is replaced by Morbid World (Punch + Kick + Slash + Heavy Slash). The following chart uses the most recent, localized names from Λ Core Plus R.

Type Name Command
Normal Mode EX Mode
Normal -- Right + Punch
Right + Heavy Slash
Special Stroke the Big Tree LeftDown LeftDownDown RightRight + Slash or Heavy Slash LeftDown LeftDownDown RightRight + Slash or Heavy Slash
Antidepressant Scale DownDown LeftLeft + Punch or Heavy Slash (post-??) (air OK) DownDown LeftLeft + Punch (air OK)
Follow-up Up or Down during Antidepressant Scale (post-??) (neutral) during Antidepressant Scale
Sultry Performance DownDown RightRight + Punch or Kick or Slash or Heavy Slash (air only; hold to delay) DownDown RightRight + Punch or Kick or Slash or Heavy Slash (air only; hold to delay)
Chemical Love RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Kick or Slash (post-Slash) (air OK) RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Kick or (post-Slash?) Slash (air OK)
Hover Jump -- DownDown LeftLeft + Kick » LeftDownDown Left + Kick (post-Slash?)
Force Breaks Sultry Performance DownDown RightRight + Dust (air only, hold to delay) (post-ΛC) DownDown RightRight + Dust (air only, hold to delay) (post-ΛC)
Stop Punch or Kick or Slash or Heavy Slash during Sultry Performance (post-ΛC) Punch or Kick or Slash or Heavy Slash during Sultry Performance (post-ΛC)
Antidepressant Scale DownDown LeftLeft + Dust (air OK) (post-ΛC+R) --
Follow-up Up or Down during Antidepressant Scale (post-ΛC+R) --
Chemical Love -- RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Dust (air OK) (post-ΛC?)
Overdrives Longing Desperation RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Heavy Slash --
Ultimate Fortissimo DownDown RightRightDown RightDownDown LeftLeft + Slash (air only) DownDown RightRightDown RightDownDown LeftLeft + Slash (air only)
Homeostasis -- RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Heavy Slash
Mega Romania / Key Change -- RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRightDown RightDownDown LeftLeft + Punch or Kick or Slash (air OK) (post-ΛC+?)
Instant Kill Last Will and Testament Enter Instant Kill Mode → DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Heavy Slash Enter Instant Kill Mode → DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Heavy Slash

Guilty Gear Xrd[]

The following is I-No's move list in Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-, -Revelator- and Rev 2:

Type Name Command
Normal -- Right + Punch
Right + Slash
Right + Heavy Slash
Special Antidepressant Scale DownDown LeftLeft + Punch (air OK)
Stroke the Big Tree LeftDown LeftDownDown RightRight + Slash or Heavy Slash
Sultry Performance DownDown RightRight + Punch or Kick or Slash or Heavy Slash (air only, hold OK)
Chemical Love DownDown LeftLeft + Kick (air OK)
→ Followup DownDown LeftLeft + Slash during Chemical Love
Chemical Love (Vertical) DownDown LeftLeft + Slash (air OK)
Sterilization Method DownDown LeftLeft + Heavy Slash near opponent (air OK)
Overdrives Longing Desperation RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Heavy Slash or Dust (post-Revelator)
Ultimate Fortissimo DownDown RightRightDown RightDownDown LeftLeft + Slash (air only)
Instant Kill Megalomania Enter Instant Kill Mode → DownDown RightRightDownDown RightRight + Heavy Slash

Guilty Gear -Strive-[]

The following is I-No's move list in Guilty Gear -Strive-.

Type Name Command
Special Antidepressant Scale DownDown LeftLeft + Punch (air OK)
Chemical Love DownDown LeftLeft + Kick (air OK)
Stroke the Big Tree DownDown RightRight + Slash or Heavy Slash
Sultry Performance DownDown RightRight + Kick or Slash or Heavy Slash (hold OK, air only)
Overdrives Megalomania RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Heavy Slash
Ultimate Fortissimo RightDown RightDownDown LeftLeftRight + Slash (air OK)
