Guilty Gear Wiki
Guilty Gear Wiki

ExplaMaytions with May is a short webseries published by Arc System Works in May 2021, serving as a recap to promote the release of Guilty Gear -Strive-. In them, May and Robo-May explain the world of Guilty Gear to newcomers.


  1. What is Magic? (第1回「法力について」, Daiikai 'Hōriki ni Tsuite'?)
  2. Worldwide Development and Gears (第2回「世界の発展と『ギア』について」, Dainikai 'Sekai no Hatten to "Gia" ni Tsuite'?)
  3. The Crusades (第3回「聖戦」, Daisankai 'Seisen'?)
  4. The Second Holy Order Selection Tournament (第4回「第二次聖騎士団選抜大会」, Daiyonkai 'Dainiji Seikishidan Senbatsu Taikai'?)
  5. A New Threat (第5回「新たな脅威現る」, Daigokai 'Aratana Kyōi Arawaru'?)
  6. Another Threat Looms (第6回「次の脅威襲来」, Dairokai 'Tsugi no Kyōi Shūrai'?)


Theory May Render
Robo-May Render

May (left) and Robo-May (right).

The web show, hosted by May and her stalwart assistant Robo-May (ロボメイ, Robo Mei?), gives lighthearted descriptions of important terms and story events. Its six episodes were released one per day on May 18—23, 2021.[1] Originally available in Japanese with official Korean subtitles supported,[2] subtitles in English were added about a month later, on June 25.[3]



